Alera Lighting QST Silver User Manual

Quest silver or white cross baffle tid

background image

© 2013 Alera Lighting, a division of Hubbell Lighting, Inc. Because of continuing product improvement programs, Alera Lighting reserves the right to change specifications
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Page 1/1 Rev. 02/13/13

Curves / Quest silver or White cross baffle

Quest silver or white cross baffle tiD

technical installation Data

Step 1

Loosen screws on the socket pan at each end and in the center of an
4' fixture. Slide clip under socket pan and tighten screws.

InstallatIon Data

Step 2

Slip one side of the louver onto the clips.

Step 3

Attach safety tether to upper housing and to side of the louver.

Step 4

Bring louver across the fixture and snap into clips on the other side.