ABUS TVHD80010 Quick operating instructions User Manual
Page 21

MA-4101-001-Bedienungsanleitung-TVVR40000.indb 9
16.09.2010 11:18:7
Specify how the two LAN-connections shall work together:
• Net Fault-tolerance: Choose one port as prime port at “MAIN
NIC”. If this port stops working (e.g. broken network adapter,
damaged cables, …) the other port starts to work.
Load Balance: Both ports are working together to get a better
data flow.
Both ports are using one IP-address.
(Continuation of 6):
• Multi-adresse: Both LAN ports need a different IP address
(by DHCP or manual). The two ports can be configured in
two different networks where they can work independent
(e.g. one port for a local access, another port for the access
via the Internet).
If you have chosen “Mulit-address” as Working Mode you need
to configure both ports separated. Choose between the two
ports at Select NIC. There is also a possibility to configure the
link speed at NIC Type. 10M/100M/1000M Self-adaptive is the
predefined and the recommended type.
To assign the address data automatically, tick the DHCP box.
The addresses are then assigned automatically by the router
(provided this function is supported). In this case, proceed from
point 16 onwards.
If your router does not assign the address data automatically,
then enter the data manually as shown in the following steps.
The screenshot shows an example of devices to be
connected with corresponding IP addresses.
The first three positions of the IPv4 Address must
correspond to the default gateway value. The last position
specifies the device activated through the default gateway
(e.g. the recorder), and is defined individually for each device.
For example, enter xxx.xxx.xxx.64 for recorder 64. Do not
assign an IP address more than once.