AAEON PCM-3660 Rev.B User Manual
Page 8

P C / 1 0 4 P e r i p h e r a l M o d u l e
P C M - 3 6 6 0 R e v . B
PCM-3660 Rev.B Quick Installation Guide
Ethernet Interface Configuration
The PCM-3660 Rev.B onboard Ethernet interface supports all major
network operating systems. I/O address and interrupts are easily
configured via the RSET801 9.EXE program included on the utility
The RSET8019.EXE program provides two ways to configure the
Ethernet interface. Configuration can be done automatically when
you choose PNP (plug and play). When you choose jumperless
configuration, the following IRQ and I/O address settings are
Ethernet Settings
Default Settings: IRO=5; Address=300H
IR0 option
I/O address range
3, 4, 5, 9,10, 11,15
1. You can select an IRQ from the Options shown above, but be sure that
your selection does not conflict with other l/O devices.
2. When Boot ROM is installed, the RSET8019.EXEprogram does not
support PNP mode configuration.
To execute the configuration, to see the current configuration, or run
diagnostics as followings:
1. Power the PCM-3660 Rev.B on. Make sure that the
RSET8019.EXE file is located in a working directory.