AAEON PCM-3660 Rev.B User Manual

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P C / 1 0 4 P e r i p h e r a l M o d u l e

P C M - 3 6 6 0 R e v . B

PCM-3660 Rev.B Quick Installation Guide



Conforms to IEEE 802.3 Ethernet standards, CSMA/ CD protocol for

10 Mbps data transfer

Hardware and software compatible with Novell NE2000 adapter

Automatically detects 8-bit or 1 6-bit data bus

Remote boot ROM socket for diskless operation

Built-in 10BASE-T transceiver for unshielded twisted pair cabling up to

100 meters

Two diagnostic LEDs indicate network status

Onboard 32K memory for high-performance multi-package buffer

Software drivers for most popular network environments