Gorman-Rupp Pumps 16C2-F5L 1338631 and up User Manual
Page 17

PAGE C − 3
Strainer Check
If a suction strainer has been shipped with the
pump or installed by the user, check the strainer
regularly, and clean it as necessary. The strainer
should also be checked if pump flow rate begins to
drop. If a vacuum suction gauge has been in-
stalled, monitor and record the readings regularly
to detect strainer blockage.
Never introduce air or steam pressure into the
pump casing or piping to remove a blockage. This
could result in personal injury or damage to the
equipment. If backflushing is absolutely neces-
sary, liquid pressure must be limited to 50% of the
maximum permissible operating pressure shown
on the pump performance curve (see Section E,
Page 1). If the pump is fitted with a Gorman-Rupp
double grease lubricated seal, the maximum in-
coming pressure must be reduced to 10 p.s.i.
Pump Vacuum Check
With the pump inoperative, install a vacuum gauge
in the system, using pipe dope on the threads.
Block the suction line and start the pump. At oper-
ating speed the pump should pull a vacuum of 20
inches (508,0 mm) or more of mercury. If it does
not, check for air leaks in the seal, gasket, or dis-
charge valve.
Open the suction line, and read the vacuum gauge
with the pump primed and at operation speed.
Shut off the pump. The vacuum gauge reading will
immediately drop proportionate to static suction
lift, and should then stabilize. If the vacuum reading
falls off rapidly after stabilization, an air leak exists.
Before checking for the source of the leak, check
the point of installation of the vacuum gauge.
Reduce the throttle speed slowly, and allow the en-
gine to idle briefly before switching the HAND-OFF-
AUTO switch to ‘OFF’.
If the application involves a high discharge
head, gradually close the discharge
throttling valve before stopping the pump.
After stopping the pump, close and lock the control
panel cover, or disconnect the positive battery
cable to ensure that the pump will remain inopera-
Safety Shutdown System
The unit is equipped with a safety system to auto-
matically shut down the engine under certain con-
ditions. The engine will automatically shut down:
1. If the engine exceeds its safe operating tem-
2. If the engine oil pressure drops below design
3. If the engine fails to start within a pre-set peri-
od of time.
4. If the engine speed exceeds the safe operat-
ing range.
5. If the engine fan belt breaks.
Lights on the control panel will indicate which of the
safety features has caused the engine to shut
Should any of the safety features cause the engine
to shut down, the cause must be determined and
corrected before putting the unit back into service.
The engine will not restart until the HAND-OFF-
AUTO switch has been returned to the ‘OFF’ posi-
tion for at least 10 seconds.
All safety shutdown features are pre-set at the fac-
tory for optimum performance and safety; do not
attempt to adjust these settings.
Never disconnect any of the safety shut-
down features; this will void the warran-
ty and could result in serious damage to
the unit and/or injury to personnel. Safe-