Infinity Drain Linear Drain Guide User Manual
Linear drain guide

1 • 516.767.6786
Linear Drain Guide
Fig. 1
The particulars of any drain installation depend on a number of variables: site conditions,
waterproofing, and type of install. Whether it is a barrier threshold (curb), or barrier free (curbless/zero
threshold) installation, Infinity Drain has provided general guidelines below to assist in determining
the correct product choice for your project. Always use a licensed professional when installing our
products. Please contact us with questions regarding your specific installation.
Site Conditions:
Whether it is a renovation or new construction, choosing where to locate a linear drain is contingent on
the waste line location, which may be predetermined or already installed. Moving a waste line may be
possible, depending on site conditions. Infinity Drain’s Site Sizeable (S) Series provides flexibility during
the installation process by allowing the outlet to be placed anywhere along the channel run. Always
consult with a licensed professional.
Locating Linear Drains
A linear drain allows for the use of larger format floor tile and the ability to pitch the floor in one direction.
This offers an advantage from the traditional center drain installation, where the floor must slope in four
directions in order to properly drain the water.