Page 21

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Global Water


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Name: The logger is a user definable name to identify the logger. Up to 32

characters are allowed however, a continuous string of characters of more than 16

with no spaces may not be displayed correctly. Click on the field to enter


Sensor Warm-up Time: To conserve battery life, the

sensors do not normally have power applied to them.

Before taking a reading, the logger powers up the

sensors for the sensor warm-up time, and then removes

power from them again. The allowable times are zero

(50mS) to 60 seconds. Click on the field to enter or

select the time in seconds from the pull-down menu.

Baud Rate: Leave this set to Auto Baud Rate.

Only change this to a fixed baud rate if planning to

use this logger in a telemetry application, such as

using Global Water’s Global Access radio modem

software. Once programmed in a fixed rate mode,

you must set the baud rate in the opening connection menu of the Global Logger II

software to this speed, or the logger will not communicate.

Sample Periodically: Sampling at regular intervals is the most common recording

mode. Click the Sample Periodically option, select the units from the pull-down

menu and click the numerical field to enter the number of those units up to 65,535.

Fast Sampling Mode: In Fast mode, the sample rate is fixed at 10 times per

second. The time stamp will not read fractions of a second so there will be 10

samples per time stamp. Click the Fast mode option to select this feature.