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Global Water
800-876-1172 • globalw.com
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On-Line Help Files
Clicking on Help displays the on-line help files which contain all of the information
contained in this manual. There are 3 ways to access the information. The first tab is
Contents which accesses the table of contents for the manual. Clicking on any of
the topics opens up the
body of text on that
subject. Within each
body of text is a
discussion of that
subject and links to
related topics
underlined in blue.
Clicking on the link
will bring up a new
window with specific
information on that
topic. In this case,
Sensor Warm-up time
in the General Setup
Click the Index tab to find a listing of topics. Type letters into the keyword field and
the program automatically sorts the topics alphabetically. To find relevant topics
based on a keyword, click the Search tab. Type in a keyword and click List Topics.
When the desired topic is found, double-click on it or click Display at the bottom of
the screen to show information on that subject.