“pipe mode” on/off (for microwave probe only), “select pipe diameter” (for microwave probe only), “damping off”: fast response mode of the probe – Xylem WL900 RADAR LEVEL TRANSMITTERS User Manual
Page 9: “damping on”: select damping time

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9. “Temperature Scale”: (Not applicable for microwave probe.)
10. “Low Dielectric Material”: (choose for low dielectric constant
materials, for microwave probes only)
11. “Pipe Mode” On/Off (for microwave probe only)
12. “Select Pipe Diameter” (for microwave probe only)
13. “Damping OFF”: Fast response mode of the probe
14. “Damping ON”: Select damping time
d. “ShowCalibData” (Show Calibration Data): Screen displays all calibration
e. The fix point Calibration buttons (the same as using the probe calibration
Push Button) are in the top left corner of the screen. “F.T Calib.” is for Full
Tank Calibration and “E.T. Calib.” is for Empty Tank Calibration. In this
calibration a target has to be used to simulate full or empty tank fix point
f. “Diagnostic” button: Displays all information on probe “errors”. Sensor error
is indicated by an unhappy face icon at the bottom of the screen.
g. “Echo Chart” button: Displays information on stability of the echoes.
Calculated echo peak count basis on peak width voltage is used as an
echo correction offset.
h. “Echo Profile” button: Displays profiles of your probe.
NOTE - when using this feature the probe is not in the measurement
mode. To return to measurement mode, exit the echo profile (select x).
Wait until you get the Data Link OK (green light on the Probe Status LED).
1. On the “echo profile” you will see a marker where the software
picked up an echo and the distance to the target.
2. To change target for different measurement, exit profile screen, wait
for updated data, and go to echo profile. The marker will pick up the
new target. Freeze screen and select any point on the graph by
clicking mouse to display the distance to selected target.
3. 'Save to file' command saves the profile to PROBE_PROFILE file in
C:\Program Files\um_probe\ folder.