Vii. software operation, A) 108 to read the current from microwave probe, B) 100 to read 4 ma calibration – Xylem WL900 RADAR LEVEL TRANSMITTERS User Manual
Page 8: C) 96 to read 20 ma calibration

Global Water
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VII. Software Operation
a. Click on “START” button, “PROGRAMS”, and select
b. Select “Start Data Link”. In the program’s main window there will be two
bar graphs, displaying the last 8 echoes and the current output. When PC
is connected to Probe, the application header displays the Probe ID. When
PC is connected to the Radar, the application header displays Radar ID,
range, pipe on/off status, pipe diameter and low dielectric filter status. The
traffic icon at the screen bottom indicates communication status to probe.
c. Pick “Tools" and select one of the following functions:
1. “Select Data Link Protocol” (RS-232/485 or Modbus RTU):
Default is RS-232/485. For probe with RS485 port use a converter
RS485 to RS232 between your PC and the microwave probes. If
those converters do not have external power supply and you use
Windows 2000 or XP, go to the port setting (advanced), change the
Transmit Buffer to low, and then reboot your PC.
For MODBUS RTU use the Holding Register address as follows:
a) 108 to read the current from microwave probe
b) 100 to read 4 mA calibration
c) 96 to read 20 mA calibration
2. Use “Read Sensor ID (Not in Network)” for single probe
3. “Add new Sensor” (in network configuration):
Choose new ID and “click OK, for network use 4 and higher
4. Remove Sensor “(in network configuration):
Choose sensor ID to be removed and click OK
5. “Fix Sensor ID”: Select new Id and then click on “Fix Sensor ID” to
remove old ID. Click “STOP” and “START” to update the calibration
data. Sensor ID is 2 for single probe and 4 and higher for network,
do not use ID 3
6. “Reset Max. Temperature” (Not applicable for microwave probe.)
7. “Empty Tank Distance calibration”: Programmable with accuracy of
8. “Full Tank Distance Calibration”: Programmable with accuracy of
alarm relay.