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Global Water


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Logarithmic Timing: Typically used in groundwater pump studies, this mode

speeds up the sample rate over time. Click the “Logarithmic” option to select this

mode. This is a logarithmic approximation that steps up the sample rate:

a. 10 times per second for 20 seconds, 200 samples

b. 1 second interval for 100 seconds, 100 samples

c. 10 second interval for 10 minutes, 60 samples

d. 1 minute interval for 60 minutes, 60 samples

e. 10 minute interval for 10 hours, 60 samples

f. 1 hour interval for 48 hours, 48 samples

g. 1 day interval until memory s full

Log Upon Deviation: Clicking the “Log only if Channel 1 change exceeds +/-“ box

causes the logger to record the current reading in memory only if it exceeds the

previously reading by the preset amount entered in the numeric field. This logging

exception applies to channel 1 only and the deviation is measured in Raw Data units

where the approximate raw data range is from 0-65535, corresponding to 0-20mA.

To find the actual number of raw data units per engineering unit, use the calibration

numbers in the Analog Setup screen for channel 1 as follows: Raw Data Units per

Engineering Unit = (High Raw – Low Raw) / (High EU – Low EU). For example: The

PL500G has a High EU of 100, a Low EU of zero, a High Raw of 34874 and a Low

Raw of 7846. (34874-7846) / (100-0) = 270.3 raw data units per psi. Thus, if you

want to log only when a reading exceeds the previous on by 10 psi, set the deviation

to 2703. Click the numeric field to enter the desired range.

Wrap records: If the “Wrap records at End of Storage” box is checked,

once the memory is full, the oldest data points will be replaced with the newest.

Thus, the memory block represents only the newest. If this feature is not checked,

the logger will halt recording once the memory is full.