YSI 9300 Photometer User Manual
Page 33
Ammonia occurs as a breakdown product of nitrogenous material in natural
waters. It is also found in domestic effluents and certain industrial waste waters.
Ammonia is harmful to fish and other forms of aquatic life and the ammonia
level must be carefully controlled in water used for fish farms and aquariums.
Ammonia tests are routinely applied for pollution control on effluents and waste
waters, and for the monitoring of drinking water supplies.
The YSI Ammonia Test provides a simple method of measuring ammonia
(ammoniacal nitrogen) over the range 0 - 1.0 mg/l N.
The YSI Ammonia test is based on an indophenol method. Ammonia reacts with
alkaline salicylate in the presence of chlorine to form a green-blue indophenol
complex. Catalysts are incorporated to ensure complete and rapid color develop-
ment. The reagents are provided in the form of two tablets for maximum
convenience. The test is simply carried out by adding one of each tablet to a
sample of the water.
The intensity of the color produced in the test is proportional to the ammonia
concentration and is measured using a YSI Photometer.
Reagents and Equipment
YSI Ammonia No 1 Tablets
YSI Ammonia No 2 Tablets
YSI 9300 or 9500 Photometer
Round Test Tubes, 10 ml glass (PT 595)
Photometer Method
0 – 1.0 mg/l N