Xylem EPR IM Electric heater-circulator unit EPR (obsolete) User Manual

Page 13

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Instruction manual Laing Electric heater circulator unit

sensor C and switches off the circulator of the Electric heater circulator unit

if this temperature exceeds the set temperature. This ensures that - indepen-

dent of the function of the control – overheating of the floor heating pipes is


Program selection for the switching sequence of the heating elements

The Electric heater circulator unit has three heating elements, each of which

has its own solid state relay. If heat is required, it is normally neither desired

nor necessary that all heating elements are switched on simultaneously.

While this would load all three phases fully, the activation of all three heating

elements could cause overheating at times of off-peak heat demand.

Therefore, several methods can be selected by which the heating ele-


will not be switched on at the same time, but staged over time. Moving the

first jumper between the pins 1 to 4 will perform this task. However, only one

of these jumpers should be closed at any time. If by mistake several jumpers

have been installed, the red and yellow LEDs start blinking and the unit will

not operate.

An overall view of the jumper settings for the switching sequence can be

found on the second to last page of this manual.

A The heating elements will always be switched on simultaneously. This kind

of function can be used with all temperature control methods. If the utility

company does not allow the switching of individual heating elements, this

function must be selected. The disadvantage is that all heating elements

are activated simultaneously and that all three phases are fully loaded even

if the heat requirement is low. If the heat requirement is low, this method

can also lead to overtemperature. To select this function, jumper 1 must

be closed and jumpers , 3 and 4 must be open.

B The heating elements are activated depending on the temperature. This

function is only applicable in combination with the integrated constant

temperature control and with room temperature guided control which uses

the constant temperature function.

This function cannot be used with an outside temperature guided control or

another remote control that regulates the feed temperature of the Electric

heater circulator unit.

When the feed temperature is K below the set temperature of the con-

stant temperature control, the first heating element is switched on. If the

temperature drops another 3K, the second heating element is activated.