Configuring – Xylem Flow Converter 713 User Manual
Page 14

Programming of main functions
Press Enter to obtain access to the configuring menues.
Set date and time
Time and date is adjusted with the arrow keys, followed
by ENTER, if no change is desired, press the MENU key.
Access code enabled/disabled
Choose whether access code is desired or not. The
code blocks the access to the configuring menus, but
allows reading and operation of the flow converter. Use
the arrow keys to change between options and confirm
with ENTER.
Enter new access code
This menu shows a chosen access code (4 figures) on
the configuring menus. The arrow keys are used for
keying in the code as well as for configuring. Double ar-
rows changes the first two digits, single arrows changes
the last two digits. Press ENTER to confirm choice of
access codes.
Measurement Stormflow /
In this menu a choice can be made of whether the flow
converter measures a continous flow or a stormflow. Use
the arrow keys to change between choices and confirm
with ENTER.
Calc. for stormflow delayed
In this menu a delay of the level reading is chosen, in or-
der to ensure that the level is over the setpoint for a cer-
tain time before the calculation begins. This time interval
is keyed in with the arrow keys. Double arrow shows a
rapid reading of the value with 10 second jumps. Single
arrow runs the value slowly with one second jumps. The
scale is in seconds (0-999).
Stormflow counter delayed
Here a time interval is keyed in, where the stormflows
must be 0 before a new stormflow can be registered in
the stormflow counter. Use the arrow keys. Double arrow
runs the value rapidly with one hour jumps. Single arrow
runs the value slowly with one minute jumps.
The format is hours:minutes. Maximum time interval is
99 hours and 59 minutes.
Sensor, data for mounting
The flow converter is delivered with one of two measur-
ing principles, hydrostatic measuring or ultrasonic meas-
urement, In menu .0 the setting is shown.
Sensor and range
When hydrostatic measurement is applied this is where
the type of sensor applied can be keyed in, use the ar-
row keys to choose between options, and confirm with
ENTER. When ultrasonic measurement is applied, the
type of sensor applied is preset by the factory, the sen-
sor type can be read here.
2.2A Sensor optional range
This menu is only accessible in connection with hydro-
static measurement. When optional range is chosen
the sensor range is set using the arrow keys, double
arrow change the value with 10,0 cm steps, single ar-
row change the value with 0,1 cm steps, confirm with
2.2B Sensor level
This menu is only accessible in connection with ultrason-
ic measurement. The sensors height above the actual
zero is keyed in, use the arrow keys to adjust the value,
and confirm with ENTER.
Flow measurement 0-point level
The level where the flow is to start being registered is
keyed in. At measurement in e.g. a Palmer/Bowlus weir,
the level is measured from the bottom of the weir. That
is, a flow does not occur further down than 54 mm from
the bottom due to the bulge at the bottom. Therefore
5.4 cm is keyed in as the zero point of flowmeasuring.
Another possibility is when a pressure sensor is placed
under a sharp edged plate. Meaning that the flow will be-
gin at ex. 10.4 cm. This height is keyed in with the arrow
keys. Double arrow runs the value fast with 10 cm steps,
single arrow runs the value slowy with 0,1 cm steps.
Min. level for flow calculations
Here the level for 0-point can be keyed in over the flow
calculation for starts of the flow measurement. This func-
tion is used for instance when a weir has to be meas-
ured. The flow calculation is not done before the level is
above the minimum level, while the actual cal-culation is
made from the 0-point for flow measurements.
Level for max. flow
Here the span for flow measuring is keyed in. This is the
level at the maximum flow. This level is keyed in with the
arrow keys. Double value runs the value fast with 10 cm
steps. Single arrow runs the value slowly with 0,1 cm
steps. When the chosen level has been confirmed by the
enter key, the flow converter calculates the max. flow ac-
cording to the chosen weir/type of storm flow. By choos-
ing the linearization point this menu does not appear, as
the highest level automatically provides the span.
Averaging of level over time
In this menu the time for which the level measurement
is to be averaged is keyed in before Q(h) is calculated.
The interval is optional between 1 and 60 seconds. Use
arrow keys; double arrow runs the value fast with 10
second steps, single arrow runs the value slowly with 1
second steps. The format is seconds.