5 misc cfg – Xylem SDI-12 Data Logger iLink User Manual
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iLink - Configuration and Support Utility
Num Blocks
{16, 32, 64}
Specify the size of the lookup table here. This is necessary so that the Logger can allocate the correct
amount of memory prior to the upload.
Click here to open a ‘File Open’ window from which you can browse to the file containing the required
lookup table. By default, iLink lists files with a .tbl extension, and looks in the /iLink/Tables folder for them.
Click here to clear any loaded lookup table from the connected device. Confirmation is required as a
precaution before the action is carried out.
Click here to upload the table specified. Confirmation is required before the action is carried out. While
the table is being uploaded, the status bar will indicate the progress as the blocks (segments) are loaded.
If the specified table contains more blocks than that specified in the ‘Num Blocks’ setting, the extra blocks
will not be uploaded. Misc Cfg
Inter-Retry Time
This setting specifies the amount of time the device will wait before re-trying if it is unable to initiate a
callback due to, for example, poor communications etc. The default is 15 seconds. However, it may be
necessary to increase this duration if, for example, power consumption is an issue for the device and/or it
is expected that communications failure may be frequent and/or increased time delays on the callback are
not critical.
Reset Button Enable
It is normal to reset the overall rainfall totals directly from the keypad. It is also possible to set up the DS-
4483 with an external reset button (wired to DI2) that can be housed, for example, on an outer casing. In
such a configuration, the external reset button can be enabled or disabled here. The reset button will
always wake-up the logger from its sleep mode. If this option is checked here, then holding the button
down continuously for 3 seconds will reset the overall rainfall totals as well.