Resetting the system setup menu to factory default, Calibration, Temperature – YSI Pro30 User Manual
Page 10: Conductivity calibration, Temperature conductivity calibration

resettIng the system setuP menu
to factory default
To reset the Pro30 settings to factory default, press the down arrow key while in
the System Setup menu until the Reset - box is highlighted, then press enter.
The instrument will ask you to confirm the reset. Highlight Yes and press enter
to continue with the reset or highlight No and press enter to cancel the reset. A
Factory Reset will not affect data saved in the instrument’s memory.
The following will be set in the Pro30 after performing a reset:
Reset Defaults
Set to mid range
Conductivity Units
cond uS/cm, spc mS/cm, spc uS/cm
and sal ppt
Conductivity Auto Stable
off (0.0 % Change and 10 seconds)
SPC Reference Temperature
SPC Temperature Coefficient
TDS Constant
Temperature Units
Auto Shutoff
30 minutes
Conductivity Cell Constant
Cell constant reset to 5.0*
*It is recommended to perform a Conductivity calibration after performing a
C A L I B R A T I o N
All Pro30 cables have built-in temperature sensors. Temperature calibration is
not required nor is it available.
conductIvIty calIBratIon
Ensure the conductivity sensor is clean and dry before performing a conductivity,
specific conductance or salinity calibration.
Note: When calibrating Specific Conductance, the Pro30 uses the factory default
values for the Specific Conductance Reference Temperature and the Specific
Conductance Temperature Coefficient regardless of what is configured in the
System Setup Menu. The default value for the Reference Temperature is 25°C
and the default value for the Temperature Coefficient is 1.91%/°C. It is important
to note that the Temperature Coefficient of a calibration solution is dependent
on the contents of the solution. Therefore, YSI recommends using a traceable
calibration solution made of KCl (potassium chloride) when calibrating Specific
Conductance since these solutions typically have a Temperature Coefficient of
1.91%/°C. Additionally, be sure to enter the value of the solution as it is listed for
25°C when calibrating Specific Conductance.
Fill a clean container (i.e. plastic cup or glass beaker) with fresh, traceable
conductivity calibration solution and place the sensor into the solution.
The solution must cover the holes of the conductivity sensor that are
closest to the cable (figure 7). Ensure the entire conductivity sensor is
submerged in the solution or the instrument will read approximately
half the expected value. Gently move the probe up and down to remove
any air bubbles from the conductivity sensor.
It is not necessary to calibrate conductivity, specific conductance
and salinity. Calibrating one of these parameters will simultaneously
calibrate the others. YSI recommends calibrating specific conductance
for greatest ease.