YSI 650 MDS User Manual

Page 17

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YSI Incorporated


650 MDS


-- 1


– ABC2abc2


– DEF3def3


– GHI4ghi4


– JKL5jkl5


– MNO6mno6


– PQRS7pqrs7


– TUV8tuv8


– WXYZ9wxyz9


-- 0

Using this guide, it can be seen that the character “p” will appear and remain in the display by pressing the
7 key six times in succession. The other characters associated with this key (“P”, “Q”, “R”, “S”, and “7”)
will appear during the repeated pressing of the numeric 7 key. However, only the “p” entry will be retained
after the key is released after the six keystrokes.

After release of the numeric key for approximately 1second, the cursor will automatically scroll to the right
to prepare for the next alphanumeric input. If you make a mistake in the entry, simply return to the
previous character with the left arrow key and reenter the number or letter. After the entry is complete,
press the Enter key to confirm it. You will follow an example of this type of entry when you enter an
Instrument ID name for your 650 in the example below.

To familiarize yourself with the basics of the keypad entry system, follow the instructions below to set the
date and time for your 650 and to enter an Instrument ID:

Turn the instrument on to display the 650 Main menu.

Use the arrow keys to highlight the System setup selection and press the Enter key. A display similar to
the following will appear (Note that the exact format of your displays will depend on the software version):