YSI 63 User Manual
Page 17

The Model 63 has six modes:
¾ pH -- Displays pH and temperature (°C).
¾ Conductivity -- A measurement of the conductive material in the liquid sample without regard
to temperature. Also displays temperature (°C).
¾ Specific Conductance -- Also known as temperature compensated conductivity which
automatically adjusts the reading to a calculated value which would have been read if the sample
had been at 25
C (or some other reference temperature which you choose). See section 5
Advanced Conductivity Setup. Also displays temperature (°C).
¾ Salinity-- A calculation done by the instrument electronics, based upon the conductivity and
temperature readings. Also displays temperature (°C).
¾ Recall -- Allows previously stored data to be displayed.
¾ Erase all -- Allows ALL previously stored data to be deleted.
To change between the Model 63 modes, simply press and release the MODE key. The Model
63 will cycle through the modes as follows:
pH and
Temperature °C
Erase all
Temperature °C
Temperature °C
Salinity and
Temperature °C
NOTE: When the Model 63 is turned off, it will “remember” which mode you used last and will
return to that mode the next time it is turned on. If turned off while in recall or erase mode, it will
default to pH mode when turned on.
To determine the current mode of the Model 63, carefully observe the small legends at the far right
side of the LCD. If the instrument is reading pH, the large numbers on the display will be followed
by pH as shown below.
If the instrument is reading Conductivity, (not temperature compensated) the large numbers on
the display will be followed by either a
µS or an mS. Additionally, the small portion of the
display will show the
C NOT flashing.