Making measurements, 4 making measurements – YSI 63 User Manual

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9. Use the UP ARROW or DOWN ARROW key to adjust the reading on the display until it

matches the value of the calibration solution you are using.

10. Once the display reads the exact value of the calibration solution being used (the instrument will

make the appropriate compensation for temperature variation from 25°C), press the ENTER
key. The word “SAVE” will flash across the display for a second indicating that the calibration
has been accepted.

The YSI Model 63 is designed to retain its last conductivity calibration permanently. Therefore,
there is no need to calibrate the instrument after battery changes or power down.

4.4 Making Measurements

After the system has been set-up and pH has been calibrated as described in 4.2 pH Calibration,
it is ready to make measurements. Simply insert the probe into the sample, shake gently to
remove any trapped air bubbles and wait for the readings to stabilize (approximately 60
seconds). The first pH reading after storage in buffers may take longer to stabilize (5 to 10
minutes), therefore, the probe should be stored in the transport chamber when making field
measurements. It is important that the probe be inserted into the sample far enough so that the
pH, temperature and conductivity sensors are covered by the liquid (see Figure 6).

Upper conductivity
sensor port

Lower conductivity
sensor port

pH sensor (covered by sensor guard)

Figure 6