7 troubleshooting – Analytical Industries AII-3000 M Series Portable Oxygen Analyzer User Manual

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12. Once the adapter and old sensor have been removed from the case, hold

the label of the sensor, again grasp the square edges of the adaptor and
pull – to separate the old sensor from the adaptor.

13. Remove the new oxygen sensor from the plastic shipping container.
14. Install the new oxygen sensor by reversing steps 12 through 3.
15. Calibrate the device after replacing the oxygen sensor.

7 Troubleshooting

If the recommended corrective action does not resolve the problem return the
device to the factory for service.


Corrective Action

Device appears to be physi-
cally damaged

Turn device ON – if it successful passes
START-UP TEST and calibrates – proceed.

No digital display when ana-
lyzer is turned ON

Install battery
Replace battery
Check battery polarity
Check and/or clean battery contacts

Battery symbol on LCD display

Replace battery and calibrate device

LCD display reads 00.0

Install sensor
Check electrical connections
Assure electrical connections are dry

No response to keypad com-

Replace battery

Cannot turn device OFF

Calibration routine in process – escape or
wait until completed


Corrective Action

Reading displayed by LCD
drifts during calibration

Wait 5 minutes and repeat calibration with
sensor placed on flat surface (not in your
Check integrity of gas delivery system
Check sensor’s front o-ring seal
Verify calibration gas in not humidified
Remove moisture covering sensor
Replace sensor, repeat calibration

Analyzer reading climbs after
calibration in 100% dry oxy-
gen when exposed to air

Allow the sensor to stabilize for 5 minutes in
100% dry oxygen and recalibrate

After calibration in 100% dry
oxygen, analyzer reading
drifts more than 2% over 8

Check primary oxygen delivery device
Replace sensor that is nearing the end of its
useful life

Reading displayed by LCD
does not change when oxy-
gen level changes

Replace sensor

Reading does not stabilize or
fluctuates erratically

Relocate analyzer away source of radio fre-
quency or electromagnetic radiation emis-
sions. Tested over a 26 MHz to 1000 MHz
electromagnetic field, the analyzer is suscep-
tible at all frequencies tested except those
between 930 and 990 MHz.
Check sensor connection
Check cable connection
Wait 5 minutes and repeat calibration
Replace sensor, repeat calibration
Do not attempt to use the analyzer and
return the analyzer for service.

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