6 monitor menu, 1 cpu temperature / mb temperature [xxxºc/xxxºf, 3 cpu q-fan control [enabled – Asus F1A55-M LE R2.0 User Manual

Page 69: Monitor menu -23, Cpu temperature / mb temperature [xxxºc/xxxºf] -23, Cpu / chassis / power, Speed [xxxx rpm] or [ignore] / [n/a] 2-23, Cpu q-fan control [enabled] -23

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ASUS F1A55-M LE R2.0



CPU Temperature / MB Temperature [xxx�C/xxx�F]


The onboard hardware monitor automatically detects and displays the CPU and motherboard

temperatures. Select Ignore if you do not wish to display the detected temperatures.


CPU / Chassis / Power


Speed [xxxx RPM] or

[Ignore] / [N/A]

The onboard hardware monitor automatically detects and displays the CPU / chassis / Power

fan speeds in rotations per minute (RPM). If the fan is not connected to the motherboard, the

field shows N/A. Select Ignore if you do not wish to display the detected speed.


CPU Q-Fan Control [Enabled]


Disables the CPU Q-Fan control feature.


Enables the CPU Q-Fan control feature.

CPU Fan Speed Low Limit [600 RPM]
This item appears only when you enable the CPU Q-Fan Control feature and allows

you to disable or set the CPU fan warning speed.

Configuration options: [Ignore] [200RPM] [300 RPM] [400 RPM] [500 RPM] [600 RPM]


Monitor menu

The Monitor menu displays the system temperature/power status, and allows you to change

the fan settings.