4 onboard device configuration, 4 onboard device configuration -26, Serial port1 address [3f8/irq4 – Asus M3A78 User Manual

Page 72: Parallel port address [378, Parallel port mode [normal, Hdaudio controller [enabled, Front panel select [hd audio, Primary display adapter [gfx-gpp-pci, Configuration options: [irq5] [irq7, Configuration options: [hd audio] [ac97

background image


Chapter 2: BIOS setup

2.4.4 Onboard Device Configuration

Serial Port1 Address [3F8/IRQ4]

Allows you to select the Serial Port1 base address.

Configuration options: [Disabled] [3F8/IRQ4][2F8/IRQ3] [3E8/IRQ4] [2E8/IRQ3]

Parallel Port Address [378]

Allows you to select the Parallel Port base addresses.

Configuration options: [Disabled] [378] [278] [3BC]

Parallel Port Mode [Normal]

Allows you to select the Parallel Port mode.

Configuration options: [Normal] [EPP] [ECP] [EPP+ECP]

Parallel Port IRQ [IRQ7]

Configuration options: [IRQ5] [IRQ7]

HDAudio Controller [Enabled]

Enables or disables the high definition audio controller.

Configuration options: [Enabled] [Disabled]

Front Panel Select [HD Audio]

Configuration options: [HD Audio] [AC97]

Select Screen

Select Item

+- Change Option

F1 General Help

F10 Save and Exit

ESC Exit

v02.61 (C)Copyright 1985-2008, American Megatrends, Inc.

Onboard Devices configuration

Serial Port1 Address


Parallel Port Address


Parallel Port Mode


Parallel Port IRQ


HDAudio Controller


Front Panel Select

[HD Audio]

OnBoard LAN Controller


OnBoard LAN Boot ROM


Allows BIOS to Select

Serial Port1 Base




Primary Display Adapter [GFX-GPP-PCI]

Allows you to select which graphics controller to use as the primary boot device.

Configuration options: [GFX-GPP-PCI] [GPP-GFX-PCI] [PCI-GFX-GPP]