2 chipset configuration, Crystal beach configure enable [enabled, Serr signal condition [none – Asus RS520-X5/PS8 User Manual

Page 78: Demand scrub enable [enabled, Patrol scrub enable [enabled, 4gb pci hole granularity [256 mb

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Chapter 5: BIOS setup


Chipset Configuration

This menu shows the chipset configuration settings. Select an item then press

to display a pop-up menu with the configuration options.




Select Item


Change Values


Setup Defaults




Select Menu


Select Sub-Menu


Save and Exit

Item Specific Help

Enable Configuration/

Memory mapped accesses

to the Crystal Beach

Configuration space

located in

Device 8, Fn 0, and Fn 1.

Chipset Configuration

Crystal Beach Configure Enable


SERR signal condition


Demand Scrub Enable


Patrol Scrub Enable


4GB PCI Hole Granularity

[256 MB]

Memory Branch Mode


Branch 0 Rank Interleave


Branch 0 Rank Sparing


Enhanced x8 Detection


Force ITK Config Clocking


FBDIMM(s) Thermal Throttling

[Closed Loop]

Open Loop Type

[User Define]

Environment Temperature

[25 °C]

PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility


Crystal Beach Configure Enable [Enabled]

Allows you to enable or disable the Configuration/Memory mapped accesses

to the Crystal Beach Configuration space located in Device 8, Fn 0, and Fn 1.

Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]

SERR signal condition [None]

Allows you to select the ECC error that the SERR# asserts.

Configuration options: [None] [Single bit] [Multiple bit] [Both]

Demand Scrub Enable [Enabled]

Enables or disables the Demand Scrubbing.

Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]

Patrol Scrub Enable [Enabled]

Enables or disables the Patrol Scrubbing.

Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]

4GB PCI Hole Granularity [256 MB]

Allows you to select the granularity of the PCI hole for PCI resource.

Configuration options: [256 MB] [512 MB] [1.0 GB]

Scroll down to display the following items:

Chipset Configuration

Temperature Rise

[25 °C]

FBDIMM(s) Air Flow


Item Specific Help

F1:Help ↑↓ : Select Item -/+: Change Value

F5: Setup Defaults

ESC: Exit →← : Select Menu Enter: Select SubMenu F10: Save and Exit