Setup – Xoro HRT 7000 User Manual

Page 36

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HRT 7000





The Tools menu includes the options for:


Load factory Setting

Upgrade by RS232

S/W Upgrade by OTA

Upgrade by USB

USB Device

Remove USB device safely

Press the ▲/▼ buttons to move the cursor and press the OK or ► button to enter the menu. If the
setting MENU LOCK is on, then a dialogue to inquiry the password will be shown. Enter the four
digit password. The default password is 0 0 0 0.
When you get access to the tools menu, press the ▲/▼ buttons to move the cursor to one of the

Press the EXIT button to cancel and go back to the Main Menu.

When entering the Information menu, a new
window appears on the screen. There you can
find different information's about the device.

Press the EXIT button to cancel into the Tools

Load Factory Setting
With this option you can restore all settings.
A warning inquiry will be shown with the

“This operation will load the default and erase
all the channels that user added, the system will
reboot, continue?”

Once the YES option is chosen, the all revised
parameters of the device will be reset to the
default. Please use this function carefully.

Once the NO option is chosen, the device cancel the operation. No default settings are loaded.