Limit dsp load, Uad-2 dsp loadlock – Universal Audio UAD SYSTEM ver.6.3.2 User Manual

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UAD System Manual

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Chapter 6: UAD Meter & Control Panel

With the Limit DSP Load feature, the UAD DSP can also be limited so the load
cannot exceed 100%, thereby increasing overall system stability in high load
situations. With very heavy UAD loads, DSP load limiting may also improve
host CPU performance.

There are many variables that affect DSP load (sample rate, buffer size, pa-
rameter values, mono/stereo, automation, host system, etc). Although these
variables are taken into account, the resulting measurement cannot be abso-
lutely accurate. This is due to variations in system configurations, specifically
PCI/PCIe bus loading which is impossible to predict. Systems that are heavily
loaded due to the presence of other devices or suboptimal configuration may
cause additional DSP loading that cannot be predicted by the UAD plug-in
load calculator. The DSP load limit should be reduced in this case.

It is possible for certain (non-typical) conditions to be met where another UAD
plug-in can’t be added, even when the UAD Meter says you should have DSP
available when compared to the DSP Load Limit value.


When Limit DSP Load is enabled and the DSP load limit is exceeded

when instantiating a new UAD plug-in, an overload message will appear and
the plug-in toolbar will display “DISABLED.” Even though its interface will
load, the plug-in will not process audio.

UAD-2 DSP parameters apply to UAD-2 PCIe cards, UAD-2 SOLO/Laptop,
and UAD-2 Satellite unless otherwise noted.

Limit DSP Load

This setting determines the maximum
UAD DSP load. If performance issues
such as overloads, dropouts, stuttering,

and/or crackles persist, change the UAD DSP load value by clicking the tri-
angles to the right of the percentage display.

UAD-2 DSP load limiting is always on. 100% (the default value) is the maxi-
mum available setting.



DSP LoadLock (UAD-2 only) reserves the maximum
UAD-2 DSP load required by each plug-in, even if cer-
tain plug-in features are disabled. This ensures there

will always be enough DSP if those features are later enabled, or when auto-
mating parameters that affect the DSP load.