Verifying installation, Uad-2 led, Verify – Universal Audio UAD SYSTEM ver.6.3.2 User Manual
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UAD System Manual
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Chapter 2: UAD Installation
Verifying Installation
displays the current resource loads of the
UAD DSP hardware device in realtime. It also contains the System Information
panel, where UAD software and hardware installation can be verified to en-
sure the system is working properly.
To confirm proper UAD installation and operation:
Launch the UAD Meter & Control Panel application (
Open the System Information panel (
When the UAD device is displayed in the Hardware area and its status is
“OK” then the UAD driver is communicating with the UAD device and the
system is operating properly.
The UAD-2 has an LED indicator. This LED provides certain indications about
the operational state of the UAD-2. The location of the LED depends on the
UAD-2 product. On UAD-2 PCIe cards, the LED is on the mounting bracket of
the card. On the SOLO/Laptop, the LED is next to the UA logo on the black
housing. On UAD-2 Satellite, the LED is on the rear panel.
Alternating red and green
When the LED alternates between solid red and solid green, the device is
powered up properly but the UAD driver is not yet loaded or communicating
with the device. This is the expected state if the device is installed but the soft-
ware is not yet installed, or when booting the system and the UAD driver is not
yet loaded.
Solid green
When the LED is solid green, the UAD driver is loaded and properly commu-
nicating with the device. This is the normal state when using UAD Powered
Solid red or other blinking patterns
When the LED is producing any pattern other than the two conditions above,
there is a problem with communication between the driver and the device. Try
a cold reboot (complete power down) and/or reinstalling the UAD software
before contacting customer support.