Ua online store, Registration, Account – Universal Audio UAD SYSTEM ver.6.3.2 User Manual
Page 41: Plug–in licenses, see

UAD System Manual
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Chapter 4:
UA Online Store
The UA online store at (
) is where optional UAD
plug-in licenses and other UA products can be purchased. Promotional cou-
pons are also redeemed here. All UAD device registrations and plug-in au-
thorizations are managed here as well.
Registration at is required for all UAD users to obtain UAD de-
vice authorizations, redeem coupons, purchase optional UAD plug-in li-
censes, get software updates, and receive customer support. It is also an op-
portunity for you to inform us of your system details so we can serve you
better, and for us to keep you informed about important updates and new
product announcements.
A account is required to use UAD- Powered Plug-Ins, because
UAD plug-ins must be authorized for use, and authorization can only occur af-
ter the UAD device is registered to an account. UAD registration also entitles
you to free UAD
and special promotional offers.
The first time you visit you are prompted to create your ac-
count. Your email address is your account login. You’ll be prompted to enter
your name, address, and password, and set your email notification prefer-
Figure 6. Accessing the UA online store from