C.22. s46: bd address of last connected device – SENA Parani-ESD100V2-110V2 User Manual
Page 54

Inter Character Time Out
* Optimal Value(S23 x S26)
* When 10 bytes data are sent every intercharacter timeout, they are sent separately by 10 bytes at
the optimal value. If the intercharater timeout is set below the optimal value, the data will be put
together and sent by 20, 30, 40 bytes or more.
C.15. S28: Escape Sequence Character (default 43)
The decimal number of the ASCII code of escape sequence character can be controlled. The initial
value is 43, the ASCII code of „+‟.
C.16. S31: Page Timeout (default 20)
This is the timeout in seconds to attempt connection with the ATD command. After this timeout expires,
the Parani-ESD will restart automatically. If this value is 0, Parani-ESD will attempt to connect without
restarting. . It must set at 5 second units.
C.17. S33: Inquiry Timeout (default 30)
This is the timeout in seconds to execute inquiry scan.
C.18. S37: Supervision Timeout (default 5)
This is the timeout to presume disconnection, which is set to 5 seconds initially. The smaller the value
becomes, the more quickly Parani-SD can detect an abnormal disconnection. But when the
communication is suspended, it may be regarded as disconnection. This value should be greater than
the Slave Disconnect Timeout(S57). (Slave unit depends on the value of master unit.)
C.19. S43: COD (default 001F00)
This value describes the sort of the bluetooth device and is editable.
C.20. S44: COD Filter (default 0)
This value is used to filter the sort of the bluetooth devices on inquiring. All the bluetooth devices are
inquired in case of 0. In case of 3E0100, bluetooth devices with COD 3E0100 are inquired.
C.21. S45: Inquiry Access Code (default 0x9E8B33)
Inquiry access code is used during inquiry state. The reserved IAC addresses are 0x9E8B00 ~
0x9E8B3F. The general inquiry IAC is 0x9E8B33.
Parani-ESD is able to find the Bluetooth devices that are configured as the same IAC.
C.22. S46: BD Address of Last Connected Device
This saves the BD address of the Bluetooth device connected most recently in single connection
mode. This saves the Task1 BD address of the Bluetooth device connected most recently in a multiple
connection mode.