C.8. s13: enable dcd signal (default 1), C.9. s14: enable dtr transfer (default 1) – SENA Parani-ESD100V2-110V2 User Manual
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sequence characters, more efficient data transmission can be had.
S11=1, Parani-ESD allows for the escape sequence character. Whenever it is needed, the Connect
status can be changed to Standby.
C.7. S12: Clear Data Buffer When Disconnected (default 0)
S12=0, Parani-ESD does not clear the data buffer received from host system when disconnected.
S12=1, Parani-ESD clears the data buffer when disconnected.
C.8. S13: Enable DCD Signal (default 1)
S13=0, DCD signal off
S13=1, DCD signal on
C.9. S14: Enable DTR Transfer (default 1)
S14=0, DTR/DSR signal is transferred in a loop-back fashion..
S14=1, DTR signal is transferred to DSR of remote device.
C.10. S15: Enable Disconnect by DTR (default 0)
S15=0, DTR signal cannot release the connection.
S15=1, The Bluetooth connection can be released when DTR signal is off.
This value decides whether Bluetooth connection is released when DTR signal drops or not. If this
value is 1, you can use DTR signal in order to disconnect Bluetooth connection.
C.11. S22: Faster Connection (default 3)
S22=0, none
S22=1, page scan
S22=2, inquiry scan
S22=3, page/inquiry scan
Connecting time is average 1.5sec faster than normal mode.
C.12. S23: Intercharacter Timeout Setting (default 0)
S23=0 : Not used
S23=1 : 1 x S26
S23=2 : 10 x S26
S23=3 : 100 x S26
C.13. S24: Maximum Number of Inquiry Result (default 15)
The maximum number of inquiry list can be controlled. This value is up to 15.
C.14. S26: Intercharacter Timeout (default 0)
This value describes time interval between characters used to separate the data from serial port. If
there is no more data coming from serial port in this value, data is sent to client.
S23=1 x S26=50 : Timeout-> 50msec
S23=2 x S26=50 : Timeout-> 500msec
S23=3 x S26=3 : Timeout-> 300msec