Trouble shootings – SENA DirectPort UPCI User Manual
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DirectPort UPCI Software User Guide Rev.1.0
Trouble Shootings
Q1. The DirectPort does not work properly even after it has been successfully installed
One of major reasons DirectPort boards do not work properly is mostly interrupt conflict. This is not a
frequent problem because PCI boards are automatically assigned interrupts. However, reasons for
interrupt conflict or abnormal operation of PCI boards can be classified into three as below.
- PCI may use an already assigned interrupt number since there are no reserved resources in the
system, In this case, it is required to install the DirectPort again after disabling IRQ numbers (such as
IRQ3 and IRQ7) that have been assigned but not used in the CMOS setup program in order to make
those interrupts available.
- PCI boards may use IRQ numbers occupied by ISA boards. In such a case, the PCI bus does not
recognize the interrupt number assigned to the ISA board, resulting in malfunction of the PCI board.
To solve this problem, you should change the interrupt number of the ISA board or change the slot
position of the PCI board.
- There may be a specific motherboard that assigns interrupt numbers on each slot in the CMOS set
up program, or sets ISA/PCI PnP by interrupt numbers. At this time, PCI board is not successfully
working if the PCI slot has a wrong IRQ number assigned or all IRQ numbers are set to ISA. As a
solution to this problem, unused IRQ numbers should be set to PCI PnP.
Q2. When the device driver is installed under Linux environment, a kernel version error
message appears.
Linux has a variety of kernel versions. It is not a rare case that the kernel used is not consistent with
that of the driver system. This can be easily solved changing the kernel version in the source file
(drivers). However, version 2.0.x is not compatible with 2.2.x. Accordingly, you can upload the source
file (drivers) using vi editor first and update the kernel version information (e.q. 2.2.5->2.2.10)
Q3. I cannot log in to the Linux terminal through the DirectPort serial port.
Please check if there is no kernel version error message as in the Q2. Use the cat command to check
if the port is available. If there is no trouble, check the details of the /etc/inittab files. Change to
respawn the getty program of the appropriate port. If this has also no trouble, please check if cable
connection is poor, or Baud rate, Data bits and Parity bit are properly set for the port in gettydefs
(getty used) file.
Q4. I cannot print out to the printer connected to the Linux system through DirectPort serial
port, or the print out data is not correct.
Please check if there is no kernel version error message as in the Q2. Use the cat command to check
if the port is available. If not available, the problem is caused by unmatched speed between the port
for and printer or troublesome flow control. Please check the Baud rate of the port in /etc/gettydefs
(getty used) file and add Flow Control ( lXON, lXOFF) flag.
Q5. The modem connected to the Linux system through the DirectPort serial port does not
answer the phone.
Please check if there is no kernel version error message as in the Q2. Use /etc/inttab file to check if
the getty program of each port is set to respawn, and also use the cat command to check if the port is
available. If not available, it is because the modem has not been set as auto answer mode. The auto
answer mode is the default value but it may be changed by unexpected problems or events. The
setting ATS0=1 should be achieved at the environment where AT Command is available (cu, minicom