SENA HD1200 User Manual
Page 29

Starter Kit and User Manual for the HelloDevice 1200
In order to communicate with your device connected to the HelloDevice 1200 from the your PC, you should
implement Internet socket program of your PC. It should send a TCP/IP-based Dual-Port RAM Read/Write
command to the HelloDevice. When the HelloDevice receives this command, it will change the value of
specified location of its Dual-Port RAM, or sends current value of specified location to network. Finally, this
value is transmitted to the Internet socket interface program of you PC.
Figure 6.1 shows a basic concept of remote data communication by using the HelloDevice. You should
implement an Internet socket program or Java applet based on the HelloDevice communication protocol. You
should also implement hardware according to the specification of the HelloDevice Dual-Port RAM interface.
Refer to the Data Sheet attached to this manual for further information of the HelloDevice Dual-Port RAM,
Figure 6.1 Remote data communication of the HelloDevice application
You should consider a couple of point of view in designing Dual-Port RAM communication system by using the
HelloDevice 1200. One is the communication from your device to the HelloDevice and the other is the one
from your PC to the HelloDevice. In your PC side, Dual-Port RAM Read/Write application should be
implemented based on TCP/IP protocol, either by using Java applet or socket application. In your device side,
hardware and firmware should be implemented to read and write Dual-Port RAM of the HelloDevice.
: TCP 6001 Port
User PC
User PC
Dual-Port RAM
Read/Write Command
Dual-Port RAM
Read Response
Address 0 ~ 10
Data 0 ~ 7
User's Device