Serial ports – SENA Promi-ESD02 User Manual
Page 16

Promi-ESD User Manual – Configurations
Copyright © 2006 Sena Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Promi-ESD is waiting for the connection from the last connected Bluetooth
Promi-ESD in Mode2 is to be a slave and waiting for the connection only from
the last connected Bluetooth device. Just like Mode1, if there is no BD address
stored in Promi-ESD, the mode change from other operation modes to Mode2 is
not allowed. Once changed to Mode2, Promi-ESD will wait for the connection
from the last connected Bluetooth device whenever power on or software reset.
Promi-ESD in Mode2 cannot be discovered or connected to Bluetooth devices
other than the last connected device.
Promi-ESD is waiting for the connection from any other Bluetooth devices.
Promi-ESD in Mode3 acts like in Mode2, but allows any connection from other
Bluetooth device. Most of general Bluetooth device is set to Mode3.
Promi-ESD in Mode3 can be discovered and connected from any other Bluetooth
Serial Ports
The applicable settings for serial ports are as follows.
Serial Port Settings
Baud rate
1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 , 19200, 38400,
57600, 115200, 230400
Data bit
No parity , Even parity, Odd parity
Stop bit
1 , 2
Hardware Flow
Use , No use
The values in box are the factory defaults.
Data Bit