Installing on a linux platform – Ocean Optics OmniDriver Install User Manual

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OmniDriver Installation Instructions




The basic procedure for installing OmniDriver on the Mac is as follows:

1. Download the file.

2. Double-click on this file to open it. It will prompt you for the standard OmniDriver installation password.

4. Read the instructions given in the text file in the root folder of the DMG.

5. Copy the contents of the DMG to the location where you wish to install OmniDriver. By default this is


6. Define the OOI_HOME environment variable to be the full pathname of the OOI_HOME directory.

7. Add the path of the OOI_HOME directory to the system PATH.

8. Run the shell script (located in the Utilities directory) named to verify that OmniDriver

was successfully installed.

There is no need to install Java on the Mac because the required version of Java is already installed as an integral
part of MacOSX 10.4 (Tiger) and 10.5 (Leopard). If you are running an earlier version of MacOSX, you will need
to upgrade your Java installation to at least Java 1.6.

Installing on a Linux Platform

We provide a convenient installer for OmniDriver on the Linux family of operating systems. For Linux systems,
download the file. You may need to chmod the file to make it
executable. Then run it and follow the prompts.

If you are unable to use the Linux installer, we also provide a password-protected tarball named containing all of the OmniDriver files. To expand this file, use the
following commands:

gpg --output –decrypt

tar -xvf output_file.tar

You will also need to manually ensure that the OOI_HOME environment variable is set to the full pathname of the
OOI_HOME folder, and that the OOI_HOME folder is in the system PATH.


After the installer has finished, perform the following steps to verify that the installation was successful:

1. Plug in an Ocean Optics USB spectrometer into the USB port of your Linux-based computer.

2. Open a terminal window.

3. Run the dmesg command. A message appears near the bottom of the output that shows your spectrometer

was deleted.

If the computer did not detect your spectrometer, you must perform the following additional steps. These steps will
install a rules file to tell Linux which driver to use to communicate with Ocean Optics spectrometers.


To install a rules file:

1. Open a terminal window.

2. Copy the file 10-oceanoptics.rules from the Redistribution directory of the OmniDriver installation area to


3. Restart


On Fedora and similar Linux distros, you can restart udev with the following sequence of commands:

a. udevcontrol reload_rules

