Troubleshooting the serial port configuration, Older version of ooibase32 installed – Ocean Optics USB2000 User Manual

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USB2000 Operating Instructions


Troubleshooting the Serial Port Configuration

Occasionally, you may encounter problems with the serial port connection and/or software. Perform the following
steps to troubleshoot the serial port connection:

1. Cycle the power on the USB2000 and restart the OOIBase32 software. This ensures that the software

and the USB2000 are synchronized.

2. Determine the serial port (COM port) number:

Operating System


Windows 95/98/ME

1. Right-click


My Computer

2. Select


3. Click on the Device Manager tab

Windows 2000/XP

1. Select

Start | Settings | Control Panel | System

2. Select


Hardware tab

3. Click


Device Manager button.

Windows NT

1. Select

Start | Programs | Administrative Tools (common) NT


3. Double-click on the Ports (COM & LPT) option to display COM port numbers. Ensure that no warning icon

appears next to the USB2000’s COM port.

4. Verify that the COM port to which the USB2000 is interfaced is active. If the ports on the PC are not

labeled and you do not know the COM port number, use trial-and-error to find the correct COM port.

Open OOIBase32 and view the displayed graph. If the correct COM port is selected, you will see a
dynamic trace responding to light near the bottom of the graph. If the correct COM port is not selected,
you will see a straight line at zero counts.

5. Disable virus protection to ensure timely and complete data transfer (optional – some computers require

this step).

Older Version of OOIBase32 Installed

If the PC you want to use to interface to your USB2000 already has an older version of OOIBase32, you need to
install the latest version of OOIBase32. You can download the latest version of OOIBase32 from the Software and
Technical Resources
CD or from the Ocean Optics web site at the following URL:

You do not need to uninstall previous versions of OOIBase32 when upgrading to the latest version.