Worksheet pages – Ocean Optics OOIColor User Manual
Page 5
Worksheet Pages
Color Space and Illuminants
This worksheet page contains the tristimulus values for CIE1931 and CIE1964 observers as well
as the intensity of the 12 standard CIE illuminants. You should not change these values. When
you calibrate a field tile, or working standard, the reflectivity values are also stored on this page.
This worksheet page contains the source code for all of the data acquisition from the spectrometers
and processing macros. You are free to change this code as your experiments dictate, as long as
you follow the restrictions contained in the Credits and Copyright worksheet page.
The macro in this worksheet page defines all of the global variables used in this program.
This worksheet page contains all of the parameters necessary for data acquisition and processing:
Coefficients and Intercept
These values are the wavelength calibration coefficients of your spectrometer. They are
obtained from the calibration sheet that accompanied you spectrometer when you received it
from our factory. If you are missing this calibration sheet, please contact us for a free
replacement copy.