PolyPlanar MR45C User Manual
Page 3
IMPORTANT! Before mounting be sure there is sufficient room to
accommodate the unit and that there is sufficient ventilation.
Before installing the unit, connect the wiring temporarily making sure
the system works properly.
Only use the parts included with the unit to ensure proper installation.
Receiver should be mounted within 30º (+ or
— 15º) from Horizontal.
If installation angle exceeds 30° from horizontal, the unit might not give
its optimum performance.
Avoid installing the unit where it would be subject to high temperatures
such as direct sunlight or hot air from heaters or the engine or where it
would be subject to dust, dirt or excessive vibration.
Use the template provided to make the cutout.
Be sure to mount the unit to a strong, solid surface which will not give
way under the stress of waves pounding the hull.
Step 1) Remove the mounting sleeve
N o t e : K e e p t h e r e l e a s e k e y i n t h e s a f e p l a c e a s
y o u m a y n e e d i t i n t h e f u t u r e t o r e m o v e t h e u n i t
o u t
R e m o v e f r o n t
f r a m e f i r s t