Crown Audio IQ-P.I.P.-SMT User Manual
Page 16

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whether the amplifier output is
distorted simply because of an
excessive input level. The range
is from +16 dBu to –40 dBu.
Report Via Aux:
Enables or
disables a feature which causes
the AUX port output to stay on
during normal operation and
turn off whenever a fault
condition exists (see Sections
3.21 and 4.8).
3.17 Auto Standby
The Auto Standby feature automati-
cally turns off the high-voltage sup-
plies of the amplifier when no audio
signal is detected at the input for a
predetermined period of time. The
channels are controlled indepen-
dently. Using it, many
IQ Systems
can pay for themselves in just a few
years due to reduced energy costs.
There are four parameters which con-
trol this feature:
Auto Standby:
Turns this
function on/off.
Standby Level:
Sets the level, in
dB, below which an amplifier
channel’s high voltage supply
will be turned off. The range is
from +16 dBu to –40 dBu.
Standby Time:
Sets the time, in
minutes, that the input signal
must remain below the Standby
Level before the channel’s high-
voltage supply is turned off. The
range is from 0 to 255 minutes.
A setting of 0 (zero) yields a
turn-off delay of approximately 2
seconds to facilitate setup of the
Use Turn-On Delay:
Enables or
disables the IQ address turn-on
delay. This is a delay that
prevents all the amplifiers from
turning on at the same instant
and tripping power breakers
when an “all amps on”
command is issued by the
System. The turn-on delay is
calculated by: 10 msec x IQ
address value. It may be
desirable to disable this turn-on
delay when using the Auto
Standby feature so that the first
syllable of speech is not missed
when a voice page suddenly
causes the Auto Standby
function to turn a high-voltage
supply back on.
3.18 Auto
An Auto function is available to pro-
vide consistency with other IQ com-
ponents in the
IQ System. It is
controlled by the
IQ System and it
serves as a toggle to quickly enable
or disable many of the functions in a
SmartAmp IQ–P.I.P.–SMT. The func-
tions that are enabled/disabled by
the Auto control are: smooth/output
signal limiter, auto standby and all er-
ror reporting functions (prolonged
IOC warning, excessive ODEP warn-
ing and fault warning). Please refer to
the documentation for your IQ soft-
ware for more information about Auto.
3.19 Crown Bus “Drop Out”
“Drop out” relays are provided on the
Crown Bus ports to maintain the con-
tinuity of the IQ communication loop
even if the
IQ–P.I.P.–SMT loses
3.20 DSPI
A Data Signal Presence Indicator
(DSPI) is provided on the front panel.
It flashes whenever commands ad-
dressed to the
IQ–P.I.P.–SMT are re-