3B Scientific Thermal Expansion Apparatus D User Manual

Page 4

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pansion for a certain temperature rise

T. Thus the

tubes are heated to 100° C by means of steam and the
temperature difference

T from room temperature is

calculated. The expansion is determined from the
movement of the pointer, where a pointer movement
of 50 mm indicates an expansion of 1 mm. The expan-
sion coefficient is determined from the length of the

l between the two fixed points by means of the


α =




4. Instructions for use

• Attach the fixed mount at marking 200, 400 or 600.

• Attach the open end of the tube to be tested into

the fixed mount and secure it with the screw. The
screw should grip the ring nut of the tube.

• Hoses should be attached as in Figure 1 and the

run-off bowl should be placed under the hose.

• Adjust the point to zero if necessary.

Also required for heating the tube under test:
Vapor generator or a bunsen burner heating an Erlen-
meyer flask

5. Storage

The glass tube should be secured beneath the base strip
to avoid damage.

Figure 2

3B Scientific GmbH • Rudorffweg 8 • 21031 Hamburg • Germany • • Technical amendments are possible