3B Scientific Air Cushion Plate User Manual
Page 50

Physical Experiments on the Air-Cushion Table
The instructions provide an overview of the
main uses of the air-cushion table. The se-
lection and configuration of the experiments
used for teaching purposes shall be deter-
mined by the instructor.
The physical interpretation of each experi-
ment is given on a simple level, in accordance
with the usually rough model illustration.
The air-cushion table is a suitable teaching
aid from the high school to the university
level. The selection of the described experi-
ments and the way of conducting them is
meant to be exemplary.
Although the air-cushion table was created
for demonstration experiments, it is also
suited for lab experiments, especially of the
quantitative type.
All described experiments can be demon-
strated in a convincing way if they are opti-
mized on the basis of these instructions.
Following the instructions literally does not
guarantee convincing effects.
The air-cushion table is a high-quality prod-
uct, which should be handled with care.
Cleanliness, knowledge and skill are neces-
sary for its successful usage.
Taking all of these remarks into consideration,
the air-cushion table is highly effective teaching
aid which will make a major contribution to a
more profound understanding of physical phe-
nomena , processes, terms and laws.