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H.264 Super Digital Video Recorder User Manual
the input blank, write the preset points, then click Preset button, PTZ turn to the corresponding
preset point.
Picture 3.10 PTZ Control
Multiple preset points connected cruise lines, call cruise between points, the PTZ run around
on the line
1)Cruise Between Points Settings
Cruise lines are connected by multiple preset points, setting procedure is as follows:
Step1: In Picture 3.8, the Direction key will turn PTZ to designated location, click Settings
button to enter Picture 3.11.
Step 2: click Cruise buttons, the write proper value into the Cruise Line and Preset Points
blank,then click Add Preset Points button, complete setting (also can add and delete cruise line
which has been set up).
Step 3: repeat step1 and step2, until set out all the preset designated cruise lines.
Remove Preset:Please input preset value in the blank, click Remove Preset button, then
remove the preset points.
Remove Cruise Line:Input the number of cruise line, click Remove Cruise Lines button, then
remove the cruise lines set.
Value input blank