Peerless-AV LCT100S - Sell Sheet User Manual
Monitor desktop stand, Lct100s, For up to 30" monitors

Monitor Desktop Stand
for up to 30" Monitors
The LCT100S series is a single monitor mount that includes a grommet and clamp style attaching
method in a single mounting solution making virtually any installation quick and easy. Once
installed, comfortable viewing positions can be achieved by simply setting the height and tilt
angle of the monitor without the use of tools.
Display size: up to 30"
Max load: 20lb (9kg)
Two mounting styles
in one box. A desk
clamp and grommet
style are supplied for
either desk mounting
Height and tilt
adjustment for perfect
positioning and
ergonomic comfort to
help reduce eye, back
and neck strain
Tilt: ±40°
Pan/Swivel: 180°
Monitor can be
mounted in portrait or
landscape orientation
Compatible with VESA
75 and 100mm
INteGrateD CaBLe MaNaGeMeNt
Protects, contains and conceals cables
for a clean, professional installation
CaLL: 800.865.2112
FaX: 800.359.6500
Desk clamp and
grommet mount option
For wood or composite surfaces
up to 3" (76mm) thick