Peerless-AV DST940 - Sell Sheet User Manual
Dual display ceiling mount system, Dst940, For 37"-46" flat panel displays

Dual Display Ceiling Mount System
For 37"-46" Flat Panel Displays
(Contact Peerless-AV Customer Care for displays 32"-36" and 47"-50")
Two separate displays sitting side-by-side can only mean one thing: a win-win situation. The
DST940 from Peerless-AV will mount two displays on a single horizontal plane. Behind the
displays, a long plate spans both and the displays are attached with easy-glide brackets to
ensure secured placement and ease of adjustability. Installation and adjustment has never
been easier, because both displays slide horizontally and tilt up to 20 degrees to ensure the
message is placed at its ideal viewing angle. This makes this mounting solution perfect for
restaurant menu signage, airport flight information displays or entertainment and department
store applications.
Sliding BrACket deSign
Easy glide brackets ensure the
displays are securely attached to
the wall plate and easily adjusted
UniVerSAl MoUnting
Universal display adapters easily
hook onto the wall plate for fast
installation of displays ranging
from 37" to 46"
Display size: 37"-46"
Single adapter plate keeps
the face of both displays
on the same plane
Easy glide bracket design
ensures displays are
securely attached to
the adapter plate
Universal display adapters
quickly hook onto adapter
plate for fast installation
Horizontal adjustment
allows displays to easily
slide together for a
seamless appearance
Tilt ranges from 0 to 20°
Single PlAne AdjUStMent
Effortless horizontal adjustment
allows for sliding displays
together on one even plane
tilt AdjUStMent
Large tilting range from 0 to 20°
for optimal viewing angles
Max load: 150lb (68kg)
CAll: 800.865.2112
FAX: 800.359.6500
Continuous Tilt
Seamless Display Alignment