Peerless-AV IWB600-UNIV - Sell Sheet User Manual
Universal whiteboard mount, Iwb600-univ

Universal Whiteboard Mount
For attaching over existing marker boards and chalkboards
The IWB600-UNIV universal wall mount is a cost effective solution for effortlessly adding
interactive whiteboards to the classroom and boardroom. Designed to fit directly over the
existing chalkboard, the mount is easy to install and simple to adjust. This universal design
clamps to most boards while also maintaining dedicated mounting hole patterns for a select
group. Please see the features bullets for dedicated board compatibility.
Four individual clamps
enable virtually any board
up to 1.75” thick to be
easily mounted
Mounts over virtually any
existing chalk-board, even
boards with chalkboard
trays, by quickly and easily
adjusting the mounts depth
Hook-on design simplifies
the installation
Universal brackets clamp
to the outside of the board
Depth adjustability
Mounts over an existing
marker board/chalkboard
In addition to universal
brackets, dedicated
mounting holes for the
following boards:
64" SMART Board SB660
77" SMART Board SB680
77" Marsh Board PR4050000
63" Hitachi Starboard DUO
77" Hitachi Starboard DUO
77" Hitcahi Starboard TRIO
88" Hitachi Starboard DUO
77" Interwrite DualBoard 1277
64" ActivBoard 164
78" ActivBoard 178
78" ActivBoard 378 PRO
87" ActivBoard 387 PRO
95" ActivBoard 395 PRO
Some whiteboards may
require bumpers, ACC956,
to be added between the
mount and the board in order
to make the board more rigid
Max load: 70lb (32kg)
Universal Clamp
Depth Adjustability
IWB600-UNIV shown
with the whiteboard
Telescoping vertical
rails allow the mount
to accommodate
existing boards up to
76” (1930mm) tall
Unique design allows for
universal compatibility via
adjustable bezel clamps
and dedicated mounting
hole patterns for industry
leading whiteboards
CALL: 800.865.2112
FAX: 800.359.6500