Peerless-AV WL-ST660-200 - Sell Sheet User Manual
Wireless solutions, Peerair™ wireless tilt wall mount, For 37" to 63" flat panel displays

The PeerAir™ Wireless Tilt Wall Mount delivers plug-and-play, Full HD 1080p and passive
3D wireless content streaming or game play to any space without the need for costly
drilling and pulling of signal cables through walls, floors or ceilings. This full-featured wireless
mounting solution provides tilt angle adjustment for the optimum viewing experience and
reverse IR functionality that enabling up to four remote components to be controlled
at the site of the display. Ships virtually pre-assembled with plug-and-pay set-up, it’s the
easiest way to get Full HD and 3D content to any area without the extra expense and
hassle from running cables.
PeerAir™ Wireless Tilt Wall Mount
For 37" to 63" Flat Panel Displays
Includes everything needed
to stream wireless Full HD
1080p and passive 3D
content to the mounted
display through walls, floors
or ceilings
Includes IR Extender for
enhanced remote control
of AV components
Includes two 2.5ft (0.75m)
HDMI cables for clutter-free,
fast and easy connectivity
Built-in 3-tap grounded outlet
for wireless components and
display power allowing for
only one power cable to be
routed to the power outlet
Provides excess display
power and wireless
component cable storage
for a clean look
Pre-tensioned universal tilt
adapters allow for +15°/-5°
tilt* adjustment in one easy
Horizontal dispay adjustment
up to 8" (203mm) for ideal
screen position on the wall
Accommodates installations
to 16", 20" and 24" stud
Ships virtually pre-assembled
Quick and easy installation
and plug-and-play wireless
* Tilt may be effected based on
placement of wireless module
Optimum Viewing Angle
Pre-tensioned tilt from +15°/-5° for
setting the optimum viewing angle
Horizontal display
adjustment up to
8" (203mm)
CleAn instAllAtiOn
Provides 3-tap grounded
outlet for wireless
components and display
power allowing for only
one power cable to be
routed to the power outlet
Provides an ultra sleek
wireless content delivery
system with no long and
costly cable runs
Includes everything needed to
quickly and easily stream wireless
content to the display without the
need to run signal cables
wireless Full Hd
1080p And 3d streAming
Cable-free, high-definition and passive
3D signal streaming up to 131ft (40m)
through floors, walls and ceilings
Wireless Solutions
CAll: 800.865.2112
FAX: 800.359.6500