Peerless-AV PANA-85CEIL - Sell Sheet User Manual
Ceiling mount, Pana-85ceil

Ceiling Mount
For Panasonic TH-85PF12U/ TH-85PF12E Flat Panel Screens
For exquisite viewing, Peerless offers the PANA-85CEIL ceiling mount, designed exclusively for the
Panasonic 85-inch TH-85PF12U and TH-85PF12E. The tilt and swivel features make it the ultimate
choice when mounting the extra-large flat panel screen to the ceiling. A single extension column
will hang the screen from the ceiling to a desirable height while also allowing the screen to tilt
at 5, 10, 15 or 20 degrees to achieve an optimal viewing angle. A supporting cross tube holds
the screen stable while the extension column adds the convenience of a full 360 degrees of
swivel for perfect positioning. Installing the TH-85PF12U/E is easy, its use of keyhole slots in the
adapter plates allows simple hook-on screen attachment.
The Ideal
VIewIng angle
Tilts 5, 10, 15 or 20
degrees for optimal
viewing angle
QuIck and SImple
Keyhole slots provide
ease of installation
Screen size: 85" (216cm)
Max load:300lb (136kg)
Keyhole slots provide
ease of installation
Tilts 5, 10, 15 or 20 degrees
for optimal viewing angle
Swivels 360 degrees
call: 800.865.2112
FaX: 708.865.2941
Screen can be tilted
5, 10, 15 or 20 degrees