Peerless-AV STX645P - Sell Sheet User Manual
Universal tilt wall mount, For 32" to 60" displays

Universal Tilt Wall Mount
for 32" to 60" Displays
Limitless placement opportunities are delivered with speed and ease with both horizontal and
vertical adjustment capability. Its slim, open wall plate architecture delivers display placement
flexibility and enables hands-free behind-the-display access along with cable management.
Quick and easy installation and optional IncreLok™ Tilt technology complete the ultimate
secure, low profile flat panel installation.
Display size: 32"-60"
Max load: 150lb (68kg)
Open wall plate design
allows for total wall access,
increasing electrical and
cable management options
Pre-tensioned universal tilt
adaptor brackets offer up to
+15/-5° of One-Touch™ tilt
adjustment in one easy motion
Optional IncreLok™ feature
offers fixed tilt lock in 5°
Easy-Glide™ design ensures
that the display is securely
attached to the wall plate
5º of back tilt offers 3" of
space for hands-free, behind
the display access
Up to 13" of horizontal
adjustment for centering
display on wall
Up to 1" of vertical adjustment
on each universal display
adaptor bracket for post-
installation leveling and height
adjustment fine-tuning
Increased security with
included Master Lock 510KAD
keyed-alike padlock on
locking model
Universal tilt adaptor brackets
easily hook onto wall plate for
fast installation
Low profile design holds
display 1.69" (43mm) from
the wall
Fits displays with mounting hole
patterns from 100 x 100mm
(3.94"W x 3.94"H) to 431 x
433mm (16.96"W x 17.04"H)
Secure InStallatIon
Theft resistant screws on
secure and locking units
oPen arcHItecture
Open wall plate
architecture for flexible
cable management
and wall placement
VIewIng FlexIbIlIty
Up to 13" of horizontal
adjustment for centering
display on wall
eaSy InStallatIon
Universal display
adaptor brackets easily
hook onto wall plate for
fast installation
Ideal VIewIng angle
Pre-tensioned universal tilt
adaptor brackets offer up
to +15/-5° of One-Touch™
tilt adjustment in one easy
PoSt-InStallatIon adJuStMent
±0.5" of vertical adjustment for
post-installation leveling and height
adjustment fine-tuning
Contact your Peerless-AV sales representative for more information
Patented. Design Patent No. D659.689. Utility Panent No. 8,313,073; 8,348,212; 8,282,059; 8,517,322.
call: 800.865.2112
Fax: 800.359.6500