Peerless-AV SGLS01 - Sell Sheet User Manual
Flat panel floor stand, Sgls01 sglb01, For up to 65" displays

Flat Panel Floor Stand
for up to 65" Displays
This flat panel stand for up to 65" displays provides tilt and vertical adjustment features to achieve
the ideal viewing angle. Centralized AV component and accessory placement is easy with an
adjustable glass shelf and a triangular base. Designed to hide all cords and cables, its internal
management system offers a clean, clutter-free appearance.
Display size: up to 65"
Max load
Display: 150lb (68kg)
Shelf (ea): 50lb (22.6kg)
Provides tilt and vertical
adjustment features
to achieve the ideal
viewing angle
Incremental tilt of -2°, 0°
and +5° to achieve the
ideal display viewing angle
Vertical display adjustment
feature for optimal viewing
Internal cable management
neatly hides all cords
and cables for a clean,
clutter-free look
Adjustable glass shelving
for AV components and
accessories hold up to 50lb
Vertical adjuStment
Continuous vertical
adjustment allows you to
position display to desired
viewing height
component placement
Clear glass shelf provide
storage space for AV
Incremental tilt
Internal cable management
SleeK deSiGn
Unique triangular base
design is ideal for fitting in
tight locations like a corner
or where space is limited
clicK: call: 800.865.2112
FaX: 800.359.6500
Patented. Design Patent No. D539,566. SGLB01 Utility Patent No. 8,517,322.