Peerless-AV SF680P - Sell Sheet User Manual
Universal flat wall mount, For 60" to 95" displays

Universal Flat Wall Mount
for 60" to 95" Displays
The sturdy SF680 wall plate holds displays weighing up to 350lb while featuring junction
box access ports and horizontal display adjustment up to 12" for ideal display positioning.
Its easy-glide brackets enable quick display-to-mount attachment with its simple hook-on
design. Delivering an ultra-slim profile, this mount is the ultimate in low-profile solutions for
60" to 95" displays.
Low-profile design holds display only
1.83" (46mm) from the wall
Display size: 60"-95"
Max load: 350lb (158kg)
Fits displays with mounting
hole patterns up to 1111 x
745mm (43.75" W x 29.31" H)
Low-profile design holds
display only 1.83" (46mm)
from the wall for a clean
Easy-glide bracket design
ensures display is securely
attached to wall plate
Horizontal display
adjustment up to 12"
Mounts to wood studs,
concrete, cinder block or
metal studs (metal stud
accessory required)
Includes fastener pack with
all necessary mounting
and display attachment
UL listed
finish assists in controlling
the spread of infections
with SF680-AB/AW models
OPeN arCHIteCture
Wall plate knockouts
provide wall access
improving cable
VIewINg FlexIbIlIty
Horizontal display adjustment up to 12”
(304mm) for centering screen on wall
eaSy INStallatION
Simple hook-on design
makes installation safe,
quick and easy
SeCure attaCHmeNt
Safety latch ensures display is
securely attached to wall plate
Call: 800.865.2112
Fax: 800.359.6500
Patented. Utility Patent No. 7,722,002; 8,517,322; 8,348,212.
*With max load up to 200lb (90kg)
Nature’s antimicrobial
* Antimicrobial protection is limited to the treated article and does not protect a user against disease
causing bacteria. Always clean products thoroughly after each use. Visit for more details.