Peerless-AV SC560DPS - Sell Sheet User Manual
Flat panel floor cart, For up to 65" displays

Flat Panel Floor Cart
For up to 65" Displays
The Peerless-AV SC560 Series Floor Cart is designed to provide the ideal display viewing
position and match the décor of any environment whether its a boardroom, training room,
lobby, classroom, auditorium, or exhibit hall. With either chrome or black posts and a line of
accessories, each cart can be tailored to meet specific requirements.
Display size: up to 65"
Max load: 115lb (52.1kg)
100, 200 and 300mm
Mount any style flat panel
display up to 65" in either
portrait or landscape
Incremental tilt of -2°, 0°
and +5° and locks in the
ideal viewing angle
Continuous vertical
adjustment on 56"
(1422mm) posts for
perfect viewing height
Maneuvers easily on 4"
(101mm) swivel casters,
with 2 of them locking
Includes theft resistant
hardware for attaching
Variable height
Adjustable display
placement along the poles
for perfect viewing height
Chrome or blaCk poStS
Match the décor of any
room or space
Internal cable
CliCk: Call: 800.865.2112
FaX: 800.359.6500
Cable management
Internal cable management
for a clean, clutter free look