Peerless-AV ESA746PU - Sell Sheet User Manual
Corrosion resistant articulating mount, For 26"-46" indoor or outdoor displays

Corrosion Resistant Articulating Mount
For 26"-46" Indoor or Outdoor Displays
The Corrosion Resistant Articulating Mount for 26"-46" Indoor or Outdoor Displays from Peerless-AV is
ready to let entertainment prosper in any indoor or outdoor environment. The ESA746PU is specially
coated with a protective anti-corrosive e-coating that repels damaging temperature-related
and outdoor corrosive elements. Delivering all weather indoor and outdoor display placement
value for uses on a terrace, pool deck or in grill areas. This all-environment mount is also ideal for
installations in humid indoor areas like locker rooms, bathrooms and indoor pools. Indoors or out
the ESA746PU provides durable all-environment mounting solution that is ready for any setting.
Cable management from display
to wall plate protects and
organizes cables
Display size: 26"-46"
Max load: 80lb (36kg)
Made of corrosion resistant
materials for weather
21.03" (534mm) arm
extension when collapsed
4.28" (109mm) from
the wall
Three adjustable pivot
points for versatile display
+15°/-5° tilt, 90° swivel
±5° roll aids in post
installation display viewing
Double stud mounting
option with 2" (0.05mm) of
horizontal adjustment
Integrated cable
management keeps
cables out of the way
Post-installation leveling
Arm extends up to 21.03" (534mm)
FIne tunIng
±5° of roll adjustment
PoSt InStaLLatIon
HorIzontaL aDjuStabILItY
16" double stud wall plate for
increased stability
neat InStaLLatIon
Cable management keeps
cables and cords out of sight
CaLL: 800.865.2112
FaX: 800.359.6500